Sunday, April 20, 2008

Has the Momo creature returned?

Mrs. Laurie Samuel of Mill Spring, Missouri, sent us this snap shot of a creature she tells us carried off her 70 pound hound dog last fall. Mrs. Samuel goes on to tell us that her husband fired two barrels of buckshot into the backside of the creature that seem to have little effect. Discovering our new website, Mrs. Samuel's requested the T.O.T.'s team to look into the question: Has the Momo creature returned?

Momo is short for the Missouri Monster. Similar in nature to Bigfoot, the creature has been reported in the woods and swamps of Missouri and Louisiana since the 1940's. In 1972, two young boys were playing in there backyard in a small town in Missouri when a Momo appeared. This sighting repeated itself around the area for two full weeks causing a national media frenzy before the creature disappeared once again. A few sightings are reported each year, but Tidbits has learned that the number in southeastern Missouri has more than doubled in the last three years.

Although similar to Bigfoot, the Momo is not a Bigfoot. Momo tracks show only three toes as opposed to Bigfoot's five. Momo's coat is also reported to be thicker and darker and some have even reported a tail. The Momo too is known as a carnivore. The swamps in the area provide plenty of game, but many encounters have been caused by the Momo's hunting of domestic dogs, cats and small farm animals. Another common characteristic listed in nearly every report is the foul stench the Momo carries. Some compare it to rotting flesh, but most say the odor is so unique and disturbing that is causes almost instant nausea.

Soon the T.O.T.'s team was on it's way to St. Louis which is about 150 miles north of Mill Spring. We were soon cruising down Interstate 85 in a rented minivan and a old Dodge Colt that our Producer Brad borrowed from his cousin. Once you exit the freeway at Jackson, it's another 75 miles down highway 34 into the heart of the Missouri swamps and the land many think is home to the Momo.

We pulled into the Samuel home about 4pm to be greeted by Mrs. Samuel and four hound dogs. Our scout, Scooter, wasted little time before diving into the thick brush that the home backs into hoping to find any hints to go on. Norma and I set about interviewing the Samuel's, while Jake and Bran dodged the dogs and unloaded the gear. Brad enjoyed the homemade peanut brittle Mrs. Samuel offered and spent some quality time annoying a parrot they kept in the parlor.

The Samuel's seemed sincere in their story of how they heard the dogs barking and came outside just as the creature struck and killed a dog named "Banjo". Laurie ran for her camera while her husband, Ben, ran for the shotgun. When they returned the creature was heading into the woods. Ben gave chase and fired both barrels into the creature, but lost track when it began to rain. Neither had seen it again, but Ben had found Banjo's body by a pond about three quarters of a mile deep into the wooded swamp.

We were an hour away from sunset when Scooter returned from his look around. He hadn't found anything, but had seen the pond Ben spoke of. We decided to set up base camp next to the pond, and with a lot of complaining from Brad, we begin the hike though the damp Missouri woods.

The thick brush made it seem darker than it really was. It was easy to understand how something could hide here without being seen, and I was grateful Scooter was with us so we could find our way back. The sky broke open when we reached the pond, and the first stars were becoming visable as we rushed to set up base camp. Bran and Scooter set up several perimeter cameras and Jacob rigged microphones in two different areas of the brush. Since the Momo is not known to eat carrion, Norma had brought along a chicken which we placed in a cage just outside the camp. If Momo was here, we were ready.

With all the equipment set up, we decided to work in teams. Bran, Jake and Brad would remain in base camp to watch the monitors and keep an eye on the chicken. Scooter and Norma would make their way around one side of the pond and I would go around the other side. A quick radio check and we were off.

The nearly full moon that night proved to be most valuable. I wanted to keep lights to a minimum, and with all the moonlight I was able to make my way using only my Flir Infrared Camera. Across the pond I could not see Scooter and Norma, and the glow of base camp quickly disappeared into the Missouri wilderness. It was one of those moments when you feel totally alone.

Making my way around the pond proved more difficult than I thought. The ground was swampy and deep with mud. My progress was slow at best. The Flir was working, but all it picked up was an occasional rabbit or bird. When I hooked up with Scooter and Norma, they told the same story. Since we didn't enjoy the thought of wrestling the mud on the return trip, we radioed base camp that we would find another way back through the woods. Base camp responded and said the only excitement they had were some giant mosquitoes that had taken a liking to Brad.

While Norma and I searched the woods for the Momo, Scooter searched for a trail back. Each turn ended in thick swamp mud, and the only big wildlife we saw were three deer who seem to be searching for a trail as much as we were.

Suddenly off to our right we could hear something large moving through the woods. Our Flir cameras were useless in the thick brush and when I fired up my flashlight, whatever was moving simply began moving faster. Quickly we searched to find it's trail and finally did. Much to our surprise and shock, there was no trail. Whatever was out there was making it's own trail without being slowed down by brush or mud. Scooter realized it's path was in the direction of base camp, so we radioed ahead to the team to be on the lookout and then gave chase down the freshly torn trail.

The radio from base camp was going crazy. This strange trailblazer was now near the camp and the chicken was going nuts. As we got closer we began to pick up a disgusting odor. I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket to cover my nose and mouth and continued on. Brad was now reporting the odor and movement in the bushes near the chicken. Against my wishes, Jake and Bran decided to grab a camera and head for the disturbance.

When we arrived a few minutes later the drama was over. Jake had a few scratches from something brushing by him and knocking him down, but Bran's cameras had not gotten a clear picture. The odor in the area was terrible, but the chicken was safe. Brad was sitting calmly at the monitors eating some more brittle. We remained at the camp until sunrise, but the odor faded away and nothing returned.

Did we have an encounter with a Momo? Although my eyes did not clearly see what was in the woods that night, it was something big and strong enough to clear a trail a grown man could not have cleared in two days using a chain saw. A bear? Perhaps, but bears rarely risk encounters with humans. Whatever this was, its aggression was unlike any I have ever seen in a Bigfoot encounter. This creature was truly unique, an we will have to return here soon and make a through search for the Missouri Monster also known as Momo.

For more information about the Momo check out:

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